Museal Storage in Schwerin’s KIW-Quarter

Competition, Realisation with Idea Section, 2023

The administration and garage building will be revitalised with careful attention to it being listed buildings. They will house the exhibition and artist spaces of the Schaumagazin. A glass extension to the east functions as a public area and filter to the city. It defines the open courtyard spatially while the building ensemble remains in its original setting. The extension displays its public use and arouses visitors' interest in the art. 

What is created on a small scale in the realisation part is transferred as an initial spark to the idea part on a large scale. The neighbourhood will be allowed to grow bit by bit in accordance to the model for Schwerin 2030. The Schaumagazin in the historic location is understood as an urban core that will enliven the place with people from near and far. Education, tourism and new forms of housing and urban commerce create a liveable quarter, centrally located in the state capital of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.



M.A. Sophia Garbow

M.A. Alzbeta Novakova

Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Groß